I was fascinated with puzzles growing up. I would spend hours putting them together and would remain vigilant until they were done. It’s completely normal to spend an entire afternoon staring at puzzle pieces on the floor as a 10 year old right? I never thought that what I was piecing together was something that was broken. It was just part of the process of making the puzzle whole again so that the collective picture was visible. The similarities between this early love in my life and my passion for counseling now do not escape me. We’ve all experienced moments when everything felt like it was in pieces, and we wouldn’t ever be able to make sense of the whole picture. These moments happen to us at different times in our lives and in different settings, but none of us are immune to it. All of us could use some help in making sense of the pieces that make us whole. I love that I get to help those pieces fit together again and I love when someone sees the grand picture of themselves or their situation.